  • Onyebuchi Avenue Hosanna Estate, Ibro Way Ago, Okota Lagos Nigeria

Day 19: 100 Days Fasting & Prayer 2024



Luke 18:1, Sirach 62-6-7

Beloved, always present yourself before God in prayer. There is no problem or negative situation that is insurmountable with God. God has the final say in every situation. Even when people or Doctors have concluded that, that sickness will lead to death, because it has defiled every known medical attention, yet with God it is not yet over until it is over. With consistent, effective, earnest and fervent prayer in faith, God will intervene and the situation will change dramatically to the glory of God. Therefore, it is safe to state that with prayer made in faith that the situation can change positively as recorded in James5:16B. Do not submit to your challenges. Persistently, consistently and perseveringly commit or present your problems before God in prayer. Bombard heaven with your prayer committedly and ceaselessly, while maintaining steady relationship with Him by living a life of righteous and holiness. You will triumph. You shall testify. You are close to where you are going. Your enemies shall cry your cry, in the name of Jesus. Your case is settled.


1. My Father, by your power, destroy every spiritual and physical fictional forces working against my breakthrough by fire in the name of Jesus.

2. Oh Lord, by your power, grant me local and international connection that will rewrite my history positively in the name of Jesus.

3. Lord, by your mercy and power destroy every negative personality working against my life, family and business in the name of Jesus.

4. Pray for our Spiritual Director, Evang. Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi and Zion Prayer Movement Outreach.

Pray Effective Prayer Book – Prayer 45

Category Zion Ministry


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