  • Onyebuchi Avenue Hosanna Estate, Ibro Way Ago, Okota Lagos Nigeria

Day 80:100 Days Fasting & Prayers 2024

DAY 80 MON. 5TH AUGUST, 2024



            Judges 11:27

Our God is good and dependable.You will not be defeated in the battle .This is because God is interested in that matter. He will fight for you. He will give you victory. He will judge that matter and judge in your favour. In the scripture, there was a time that the Ammonites suddenly rose against the nation of Israel in battle. The Israelites were worried, frightened and terrified because that time the lack the military capability to engage the ammonites in battle. Later they remembered jephtha from Gilead,who was a brave soldier, but lived in Tob because his brothers chased him out of their fathers house because he was a son of a prostitute, so the leaders of Gilead met him to lead them in that battle against Ammon. After making some remarks, he agreed on certain agreed terms. So Jephtha sent some messengers twice to the king of Ammon asking why the invaded Israel,possibly in order to resolve the issues amicably, but the king of Ammon maintained his stand, lastly,Jephtha sent the final  message to the king of Ammon as contained in JUDGES 11:27 “Therefore, I have not sinned against you, but you wronged me by fighting against me. May the lord , the Judge, render judgement between the children of Israel and the people of Ammon. Suddenly, the spirit of the lord came upon Jephtha, he made a vow to God and went to against the Ammonites and God gave him victory over them. Perhaps, enemies have surrendered you, trying to take away what is rightfully yours. Is any of your properties in the hand of your enemy? Do you have court cases? Are you being intimidated on what is yours ? Hear me, because you are a participant in this program, God will fight for you, God is the judge and God of all man kind, He will judge and judge in your favour. I decree confusion and panic in the camp of your enemies. They will commit unpardonable error and mistake that can not be redeemed or rectified that will give you victory over them. You shall be victorious. You are vindicated, because the lord is on your side, in the name of Jesus.


1. My father, by your power, destroy every power laying seize against me and my family in the name of Jesus.

2. Lord, by your power, set aside and destroy every evil judgment against me, spiritual or temporal, in the name of Jesus .

3. Oh lord, by your power, judge and destroy every wicked man or woman responsible for what I am passing through in life, In the name of Jesus.

4. Pray for our spiritual Director EVANG CHUKWUEBUKA ANOZIE OBI and Zion Prayer Movement Outreach.

Pray effective prayer book - prayer 40

Category Zion Ministry


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