  • Onyebuchi Avenue Hosanna Estate, Ibro Way Ago, Okota Lagos Nigeria

Day 47: 100 Days Fasting & Prayer

DAY47 WED.5Th JULY 2023

 Exodus 5:1-2

Beloved in the lord, this is a Divine mandate, declaration and demand directed to powers holding you variously, including occultic, diabolical, foundational powers and other negative powers holding you maliciously to go. Your freedom is no longer negotiable. Enough is enough. You have suffered enough. The time of your liberation and freedom is now. Every power refusing to let you go must be destroyed. This is because the lord is interested in your freedom. In this time and season, before the end of this program, the lord will deliver you from whatever power that is holding you bound and they shall die for your sake. The Lord will fight for you, even if it requires miracles, He will do it to set you free. Your testimony shall be great. You shall dance, the dance of victory, freedom and breakthrough in the name of Jesus.

1. Oh lord, let every pharaoh in my life be destroyed by the blood of Jesus.
2. Every power holding me bound or working against my freedom and breakthrough be destroyed by fire and thunder in the name of Jesus.
3. My father, by your power, grant me freedom from all powers holding me captive in the name of Jesus.
4. Pray for our spiritual Director Evang, chukwuebuka Anozie obi and Zion prayer movement Outreach.

Pray Effective prayer Book-prayer 63

Category Zion Ministry


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