  • Onyebuchi Avenue Hosanna Estate, Ibro Way Ago, Okota Lagos Nigeria

Day 79:100 Days Fasting & Prayers 2024

DAY 79 SUN. 4TH AUGUST, 2024


   Matthew 18:18-20  Acts 12:6-17

Undoubtedly, corporate prayer carriers more fire, hence do more havoc and destruction in the kingdom of darkness. In Matthew 18:19-20, the scripture says that what ever two or three decree on earth is established in heaven, for where two or three are gathered together in His name that He is in their midst. This is because corporate prayer is a prayer of agreement and it is in tandem with the word of God under reference. Similar, in Acts 12:1-5, Peter was arrested and put in prison by the order of king Herod, while the church gathered together and was praying for his release. Because of the efficacy, potency and effectiveness of the prayer of the church, the lord sent an angel to deliver him from prison where he was waiting to be brought out, judge falsely and executed, By reason of this program, that problem shall not consume you, your freedom is not negotiable and you shall be delivered by angelic intervention.  You are lifted, your family is lifted and your business is lifted, I push you to your divine helpers and benefactors, in the name of Jesus.


1. Lord, by the power of your word, let there be divine visitation, establishment and accomplishment of your purpose in my life and family, in the name of Jesus.

2. My father, by your power,let all my problems be abolished before the end of this program in the name of Jesus.

3. Oh lord, my father, by the power of your word, appoint and commission your angel of Acts Chapter 12 that delivered Peter from Prison, to visit me and bring about sudden and uncommon turnaround in my life and situation in the name of Jesus .

4. Pray for our Spiritual Director, EVANG CHUKWUEBUKA ANOZIE OBI and Zion Prayer Movement Outreach.

Pray effective prayer Book- 17

Category Zion Ministry


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