  • Onyebuchi Avenue Hosanna Estate, Ibro Way Ago, Okota Lagos Nigeria

Day 8: 100 Days Fasting & Prayer

Day 8 SAT. 25TH MAY, 2024
Acts 12:4-17, Acts 16:25-26

Dictionary defines the word captive as one who has been capture d or is otherwise confined. It can also be defined as one held as a prisoner or one charmed. God is all powerful. There is no power that can defile the authority of God. He can do and undo. AIl powers are under his control and authority. He hás power to deliver his people from every form of oppression, imprisonment or bondage, spiritual and physical. The scripture says in Acts 12:4-17, that Peter was arrested, put in prison, bounded in chains by the authority of King Herod, who had concluded plans to execute him, but the Lord delivered him by Angelic intervention. Also, in Deuteronomy 28:7, the scripture says that the Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated, noting that theywill come through one way and flee before you' through seven ways. Similarly, it is recorded in the scripture Isaiah 49:24 that the prey of the mighty shall be speedily released and he will contend against those who contend with you. Because you are connected to this program, the Lord will fight all your battles. He will break every chain of captivity holding you bound and release you from every prison spiritual and temporal by Angelic intervention in the name of Jesus. Your case is settled. 

1. My father, My father, by your mercy and power destroy every chain of captivity holding me bound spiritually and physically, in the name Jesus. 
2. Lord, by your power, every .wicked man or woman, occultic or diabolical, living or dead that has done anything affecting my life, family and business negatively be destroyed by the power in the name of Jesus. 
3. My father, by your power, destroy every power or personality that is affecting me negatively spiritually and physically in the name of Jesus. 
4. Pray for our Spiritual Director. Evang.Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi and Zion Prayer Movement Outreach. 

Pray Effective Prayer Book - Prayer 19

Category Zion Ministry


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