  • Onyebuchi Avenue Hosanna Estate, Ibro Way Ago, Okota Lagos Nigeria

Day 9: 21 Days Foundation Prayer

DAY 9 TUE.30TH JAN 2024


Exodus 14:13-14, Isaiah 49:24-26,

Jeremiah 30:16-17, Isaiah 31:3-5.

Today is a day of your remembrance. Today God will competently and effectively takeover and undertake your battles.He will annihilate every power working against you. Today your enemies shall know that there is a God you serve in Zion. The God of Ofucharafancha, Okwucharafancha and Omecharafancha. The all powerful God. The God that sees all,speaks and accomplishes all things. The scripture says in Deuteronomy 32:39 that nobody can oppose what He does. Child of God ,hear me well,God has also given u a level of power and authority by empowering you to undertake some battles against evil principalities and power using all effective power in the name of Jesus, and nothing shall by no means hurt you. Luke 10:19,says that you will trample down all the powers of the enemies and nothing shall by no means hurt you. God will fight every seen and unseen battles in your life and grant you towering victories over your enemies. In Ephesians 6:10-12 the scripture says,finally build your strength in union with the Lord so that you will be able to stand against powers working against you for you are not fighting against human beings,but against wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world.

Remember that the battles you are fighting are against powers you do not see. If you must achieve your destiny,you must be a spiritual person. A canal person cannot understand. You must prepare yourself through fasting,mortification and pray earnestly in season and out of season. If you want to work in a higher frequency,you must be prayerful, spiritually and physically alert. You must always be spiritually combatant ready. You must be a radical person. The scripture says in Matthew 11:12, that from the time of John the Baptist, the kingdom of God suffereth  violence and the violent taketh it by force . You must be radically and spiritually brutal against your enemies.

   If you leave them, they may kill you and if you are not in a state of grace,may go to Hell fire. Perhaps before they die they may repent and go to heaven, while they frustrated and eliminated you untimely on earth and you still end up in Hell fire. Remember that you are not going to confront them physically but spiritually through prayer. Your work is to pray and allow God to intervene in your situation and fight for you;Because you are connected to this program, you shall not fight in vain. Your enemies shall retreat and go into hiding. The lord will fight for you. He shall overthrow your enemies and make them afraid of you in the name of Jesus.


1. Oh Lord, by your mercy and power fight all my battles.

2. Lord,every evil man or woman responsible for what I am passing through in life be destroyed by fire,in the name of Jesus.

3. Oh Lord,every negative ministration or protection by the wicked working against my life,family and business be destroyed and backfire in the name of Jesus.

4. Pray for our spiritual Director, Evang. Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi and Zion Prayer Movement Outreach.

Category Zion Ministry


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